Face Reading Consultation

Face reading is over 3500 years old. The cultivation of this ancient art and science has occurred over thousands of years through painstaking, meticulous observation. Face reading is deeply insightful. It is a valuable assessment tool. The face is a map, a holographic map (where the whole of the body can be seen on the face). Face reading can help us understand ourselves and others on multiple levels, physically, mentally and emotionally. The face is one of the most expressive parts of the body. It has all 5 senses of the body; it is close to the brain taking in and communicating a wealth of information.

The features of your face tell your life’s story and show the landscape of your human design. The face is very informative because the information is in the formation. The face can reveal the state of a person’s health, personality qualities and traits, constitutional strengths and sensitivities, inherited gifts, challenges and abilities. Our body is intelligently designed, wise, and insightful. We can read it like a book. They are like walking billboards, communicating our thoughts, feelings, health history, and the true nature of who we are.

The purpose of face reading is to help you understand yourself more fully. When we see our brilliance and our blockages, it can help us be more of our true, unique, authentic self. The insights of face reading can support you to live well physically, be happier emotionally, and live a more meaningful and purposeful life. Face reading is a powerful and practical therapeutic tool that can expand and catapult the understanding of yourself and others on many levels. It’s easily used and applied to everybody.

For a Face Reading Consultation Contact: 

Phone: 780 482-7978

Email:  cellularhealth@shaw.ca


The human body is intelligently designed, providing many ways to read its messages and information. The face is a hologram. It is a map of our whole body just like the iris map of the eyes. It reflects who we are. By observing the shape and features of a person’s face you can understand their physical, mental and emotional states of health. Discover how to see; the organs of the body on the face; constitutional strengths and sensitivities; levels of health; potential predispositions and much more. Face reading is simple, yet profoundly insightful. It is easily used in conjunction with Iridology. The markings and signs seen in the face can be confirmed with the messages seen in the eyes. Integrating face reading and Iridology will leave you with a deeper understanding of yourself and others.


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