Hi, I’m Jackie and I’ve been doing colon hydrotherapy for 30 years. I use state of the art colon hydrotherapy equipment and innovative cleansing programs. Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method of removing toxins and wastes from the colon without the use of drugs or laxatives. The process is like an internal bath or shower for your colon. Purified, filtered, temperature regulated water gently flows into the colon, helping to soften and loosen accumulated fecal matter. The water aids in softening the dehydrated fecal plaque and the colon’s natural peristalsis action helps the body eliminate the accumulated waste matter.
Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure that can improve your health and well-being on many levels. Colon cleansing can help improve a wide variety of digestive conditions and disorders. A clean colon can function better which helps you to feel better. Read our Frequently Asked Questions (below) for further in-depth information on Colon Hydrotherapy.
How Do I Prepare For My Colon Cleanse?
First, it is best to call us at 780 482-7978 to discuss your specific cleansing goals and your current health status. Together we will design a specific cleansing program that suits your needs, schedule appointments, and then we will send you the pre-cleanse instructions. To prepare for your colon cleanse we recommend for most people to do some pre-cleansing with 2-3 colon cleansing products for 3-10 days prior to your first appointment (these products are available at most health food stores). These products will begin to scrub and loosen any accumulated waste in your colon so that you achieve better results when you come for your treatments. We also recommend taking probiotics (good bacteria) after your colon cleanse. We will email you these detailed instructions for using the products for the pre and post-cleanse preparation once we discuss your cleansing goals.
Cleansing Diet Recommendations
Depending on your health condition it is recommended to lighten up your diet for 1 day prior to your first appointment and maintaining this diet while coming for colon hydrotherapy treatments. This improves your chances of eliminating older, accumulated waste versus what you are currently eating. Remember to always “Listen To Your Body” and adjust your diet accordingly. If you feel weak or light-headed you need to eat and consume more fuel/food perhaps including some protein (eg. eggs, nuts, seeds beans, protein powder). The diet options are to begin 1 day prior to your appointment dates and during your colon hydrotherapy cleanse. Do not do a liquid diet if you are hypoglycemic, diabetic, or have low energy or vitality.
Diet Option 1: Liquid Diet/Fasting
For 1 day prior to your first treatment, consume only fresh fruit and vegetable juices (preferably made with a juicer if possible), and homemade vegetable broths. Consume as much juice and broth as your body needs.
Note: Option 1 – fasting or only juicing is suggested only for those who have good vitality or experience with fasting. This option is not recommended for Diabetics, Hypoglycemics or those who have low vitality or are weak or ill. More food/fuel consumption is recommended as in Option 2 or 3.
Diet Option 2: Light Diet of Fruits & Vegetables, etc.
For 1 or 2 days prior to your first treatment consume only fruits, vegetables, salads, vegetable soups, smoothies, juices, or broth. If your body needs more fuel eat small amounts of brown rice, nuts, seeds, protein powder, or eggs.
Diet Option 3: Regular Diet – Eat a regular balanced diet, just avoid, bread, pasta, dairy, and heavy proteins.
Number Of Treatments You May Need
The number of treatments required varies from person to person based on health history, current lifestyle, bowel habits and personal health goals. Some people begin with a milder level of cleansing, while others prefer a more intensive level of cleansing. For a mild cleanse we recommend booking at least 2 or 3 treatments on consecutive days. Often the colon will absorb and hydrate on the first treatment and eliminate better on the second and third treatments once the waste has had an opportunity to soften and “pre-soak”. For a more thorough cleanse, we recommend booking at least 4-10 treatments depending on your condition. For the average adult, it can take anywhere from 4 – 7 -10 sessions to cleanse the layers of plaque out. Yes, most people are full of it and don’t realize it! Fecal matter can build up in the colon for years, even decades. The average person can have 5-25 pounds of fecal plaque in their system. It’s better out of you than in you. Toxicity can be the root cause of many health problems. We can help you determine which level of cleansing best suits your needs and health goals depending on your condition.
Plan to be at your first appointment for 1.5 hours, and the second or subsequent appointments for 1 hour.
Clinic Hours
We offer flexible appointment times ranging from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Mondays through Fridays. We have some flexibility in our schedule to accommodate your needs. Please note that we are a busy clinic, and are generally booking appointments 1-2 weeks in advance (which also allows time for the pre-cleanse protocol).
The cost for the first treatment (1.5 hours) is $140.00 + GST, the second or any subsequent treatments are 1 hour long and are $120.00 each + GST. Methods of payment are Cash, Cheque, Debit, or E-Transfer. Thank You.
How To Book Appointments
Please call our office at (780) 482-7978 to schedule your appointments. We do not book appointments through email as we need to assess and discuss your health and cleanse goals. If you get the answering machine, please leave a message as we may be in session with clients. Your call is valued and we will get back to you as soon as possible usually within 24 hours. Please note we require a minimum of 48 hours of notice to change or cancel your appointments, or you will be responsible for the cost of the session. Thank you!
What Is The Colon And What Does It Do?
The colon or large intestine is a hollow, muscular tube-like organ, approximately 5 feet long, and 2-1/2 ” in diameter. It forms the last portion of the digestive tract and moves waste by involuntary wavelike contractions called peristalsis. The primary function of the colon is to absorb water, synthesize valuable nutrients (such as vitamins B & K), and to prepare and store fecal waste prior to elimination. The beneficial flora in the colon also helps to process things, protect the body from bad bacteria and infection. It is believed that 60-70% of the immune system is connected to the digestive system and the intestines.
What Is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy is the gentle infusion of water into the colon to cleanse the colon of accumulated waste material, gas, mucus, undigested food, and toxic fecal plaque. It’s like an internal shower or bath. Cleansing the colon can help improve the muscle tone of the colon, which helps the bowel function better by facilitating the natural peristaltic action necessary for the efficient removal of waste. When the colon is cleaner often a person feels better and functions better. Nutrients are also absorbed more effectively which can help with increased energy and well-being.
How Is A Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment Given?
A colon hydrotherapy treatment is given in a private room with a trained colon hydro-therapist, who fully appreciates the sensitivity of the procedure, thereby helping the client feel at ease with the process. The client lies comfortably on the table, fully draped throughout the treatment. The client self-inserts a disposable hygienic speculum into the rectum. Water flows into the colon via a small water tube attached to the speculum, and waste leaves the colon through a larger evacuation tube, where it is emptied directly into the sewer system. Because of this “closed system”, there is no odor, mess, or fuss and your privacy or your dignity are not compromised. A series of water fills and releases take place in each treatment. The therapist remains in the room throughout the procedure, working with the client on various levels, and coaches the client with breathing and massage techniques to enhance the process. The treatments are gentle and not half as bad as you think it will be. Once comfortable with the procedure, it’s very rewarding to see all that fecal matter removed out of your body.
Will One Treatment Completely Empty The Colon?
No. Often the waste is hard, dehydrated, and impacted in the colon due to years of buildup. A series of treatments is often required to sufficiently soften, loosen, and eliminate the build-up of fecal plaque. Depending on the condition of the colon, it can take between 4-7-10 treatments to achieve a thorough cleanse. Each person will differ depending on their condition and personal objectives.
For a mild cleanse, we recommend beginning with a minimum of 2 or 3 colon hydrotherapy treatments scheduled on consecutive days, as often the colon will hydrate and absorb much of the water on the first day. By the second or third day, the waste has been “pre-soaked” and often eliminates more efficiently. Your colon hydro-therapist can help you assess your progress by how far around you got in your colon and work with you to determine a treatment plan which accommodates your needs and objectives.
For a more intensive colon cleanse, we recommend scheduling 4-7-10 treatments (on consecutive days or spread out over a 30 day period). Your colon hydro-therapist can help you determine if a more intensive cleanse is appropriate for you, and work with you to determine an effective treatment plan.
What Are Some Of The Problems Associated With Colon Toxicity?
Autointoxication refers to the process whereby the body “poisons itself” on its own un-eliminated toxins. If the colon is congested with accumulated toxins and wastes, these toxins can be reabsorbed by the body into the bloodstream. These recirculating toxins can contribute to a variety of symptoms such as; bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, leaky gut syndrome, malabsorption, colitis, fatigue, depression, poor memory, foggy brain, lack of concentration, weakened immune system, skin problems, lower back pain, excess weight, bad breath, coated tongue, body odor, etc.
How Can I Tell If I Would Benefit From Colon Hydrotherapy?
Most everyone can benefit from doing a colon cleanse once or twice a year. Today our body is bombarded with toxicity. Our modern lifestyle is filled with refined, sugary, processed fast food, lack of exercise, dehydration, increased stress, and poor lifestyle habits. These all contribute to the toxic load on our body and our four elimination channels – the bowels kidneys, lungs, and skin. When these organs are under-active or overloaded the toxins accumulate faster than they are being eliminated and the body’s defenses can become compromised.
In terms of bowel movements, if we eat three meals a day, it’s healthy to have three bowel movements per day. Most people eliminate once a day but where are the other 2 meals that never came out? Even people who you have 3 bowel movements per day may still be having incomplete bowel movements due to poor diet, stress and dehydration. The toxins and wastes gradually accumulate in the colon over time. It is estimated that the average person has between 5-25 pounds of accumulated waste material in the colon. This is not healthy. It is a good idea to do a colon cleanse once or twice a year. A little prevention can save a lot of grief later.
What results can I expect from Colon Hydrotherapy?
People experience a wide range of health benefits on all levels physically, mentally, and emotionally. Commonly one feels better overall when they are cleaner inside and functioning better. Often people experience an increase in energy, mental /emotional clarity, improved digestion, elimination, they sleep better, skin clears up, are relieved of bloating, gas, and many other benefits depending on what their issues have been. Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure but can be a valuable procedure to assist the body in the detoxification process. It is believed that a toxic bowel is the source of many health problems. By removing the toxicity, the body is better able to heal itself and function more efficiently. Cleansing is not a matter of curing disease, it is rather a process of removing toxins before they cause disease.
In terms of bowel movements, if we eat three meals a day, it’s healthy to have three bowel movements per day. Most people eliminate once a day but where are the other 2 meals that never came out? Even people who you have 3 bowel movements per day may still be having incomplete bowel movements due to poor diet, stress and dehydration. The toxins and wastes gradually accumulate in the colon over time. It is estimated that the average person has between 5-25 pounds of accumulated waste material in the colon. This is not healthy. It is a good idea to do a colon cleanse once or twice a year. A little prevention can save a lot of grief later.
Find out more information About Colon Hydrotherapy
Please call Jackie Latimer at (780) 482-7978. Her clinic is conveniently located in central Edmonton, in the Westmount area. Flexible appointment times are available Monday through Friday. Please note that we are unable to answer detailed questions or book appointments by email, so please call.
Jackie Latimer has been in the holistic field for over 40 years. She has been a Certified I-Act Colon Hydro-therapist and Instructor for over 30 years. She has a wealth of information and experience to share with you. Her goal is to help you feel better, function well, detoxify, and improve your health and well-being.
For a discussion of the value of colon hydrotherapy verified by medical professionals, please see link:
*Please Note That Out Of Mutual Respect For Time, We Require 48 Hours Notice For Change Or Cancellation Of Appointments, Or You Will Be Responsible For The Session Fee.
* Our Methods Of Payment Are Cash, Cheque, Debit, E-Transfer.
The Clinic is located at:
10902 – 130 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5M 0Z3
Phone: (780) 482-7978
Are colon hydrotherapy treatments painful in any way?
The treatment is generally free of discomfort although some slight abdominal cramping can occur as the muscles contract to release the water, waste, and gas. This cramping is no different from what is felt when evacuating the bowel under normal circumstances, however, can be more pronounced as several eliminations often take place during the treatment. The discomfort is usually easily tolerated and not long-lasting. Overall, the process is quite mild and gentle, creating a light empty feeling.
Will I experience any intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the treatment?
Not usually, but since the cleansing can stir up a lot of old debris and toxins, you might experience mild nausea or fatigue. This can persist for a short period of time after the treatment and gradually diminishes. For some, the treatment may trigger subsequent bowel movements over the next 24 hours, but there won’t be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. Generally, people find the procedure quite gentle and comfortable, and frequently report feeling a profound sense of lightness, clarity, renewed energy, and well-being.
Will I lose weight?
Colon hydrotherapy is designed to remove toxins out of the body and is not solely a weight loss technique. Many clients do report the benefit of some weight loss due to ridding the body of excess poundage in the form of accumulated waste. The average person may lose 1-2 pounds per session, each person responds differently. When the colon is clean and able to function efficiently, your digestion and absorption of nutrients improves. This allows you to metabolize better and burn off nutrients more effectively rather than storing them which can assist weight loss. A healthy, clean functioning colon can contribute to preventing weight gain.
Will laxatives or enemas accomplish the same results?
Everything has value and can help cleanse the body in different ways. Laxatives are considered to be an irritant and stimulant to the colon. They can draw water from the body and produce a thin watery substance that clears more recently digested waste from the colon, leaving behind the impacted waste on the colon walls.
Enemas can be beneficial but tend to only reach the rectum and lower part of the colon.
Colon hydrotherapy taken in conjunction with fiber and /or cleansing products is the quickest, fastest most effective way to cleanse your colon. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the entire length of the large intestine and can effectively remove layers of build-up that might be present.
Will colon hydrotherapy effect the bacteria that resides in the colon?
Intestinal flora plays an important role in synthesizing valuable nutrients and are essential to maintaining a healthy balance in the colon. Many people, due to years of improper eating, poor elimination, medication, and other factors have an intestinal flora imbalance. The good bacterial cannot survive well in a toxic environment, so many people are deficient in the first place. After colon hydrotherapy treatments, the intestinal flora is restored by orally taking large doses of probiotics supplementation for 10 -14 days or longer if needed. When the colon is clean the good bacteria can then live and thrive better in a clean environment. This can help the bowel function better and is supportive with yeast and candida issues.
Is colon hydrotherapy dangerous in any way?
Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle and safe procedure. Colon Hydro-therapists are highly skilled practitioners, fully certified by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (IACT). Modern state of the art FDA approved equipment is used, with purified filtered water. Hygienic disposable speculums and waste tubing are used, and cleaning and sterilization of the equipment is completed with hospital-grade disinfectants. The colon hydrotherapy unit is equipped with a sensitive pressure gauge, temperature gauge, ounce counter allowing the therapist to monitor the pressure, temperature and volume of water in the colon at all times during the treatment. The client can communicate any discomfort they might be feeling during the session, so they are always in control of the colon hydrotherapy session.
Is colon hydrotherapy habit forming or can a person become dependent on it?
Many people find just the opposite to be true. Unlike laxatives and suppositories, which can be habit-forming, properly administered colon hydrotherapy can tone and condition the bowel so that it is better able to function on its own. As with everything, moderation is key. Your Colon Hydro-therapist can provide recommendations regarding the frequency of sessions, as well as helpful suggestions to assist with improved bowel function outside of colon hydrotherapy.
Should I see my doctor before having a colon hydrotherapy treatment?
If you have a concern about your health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor or health practitioner. You can also speak to me regarding any specific concerns you might have. I will access your situation and evaluate if there are any possible contraindications. If you are interested in doing a colon hydrotherapy cleanse it is not necessary to be referred by a medical doctor.
Are Colon Hydro-therapists Nurses?
Colon therapists are highly skilled practitioners with extensive training in the field. They are fully certified by the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT), an association with standards for education, training, guidelines of operation, and certification. Some colon hydro-therapists may be nurses, but this is not a requirement to do colon hydrotherapy. Often Colon Hydro-therapists have other career backgrounds in other holistic health modalities.
If colon hydrotherapy is so great, how come I haven’t heard of it before?
Colon cleansing is not a new modality or practice, it has been around since as early as 1500 BC. For thousands of years, many cultures and religions cleanse or fast once or twice a year, in efforts to cleanse the body, mind, and soul. Different cultures devised different methods of cleansing. Around the turn of the 20th century, present-day colon hydrotherapy units were developed, providing a significantly improved method of colon cleansing. Up to the late 1920s many doctors supported colon cleansing, with articles dealing with colon health appearing in prestigious medical and scientific journals. Then the modern man began a 50-year love affair with drugs and surgery and colon cleansing went by the wayside, and laxatives became the method of care. Recently, however, there has been a resurgence of interest in using natural approaches for healing the body, and colon hydrotherapy has rapidly been regaining the respectability it has already earned.
How much do treatments cost?
The first treatment (1.5 hours) is $120.00 + GST, and additional sessions (1 hour) are $105.00 + GST per treatment. Methods of payment are Cash Cheque , Debit or E-Transfer.
Are treatments covered by Alberta Healthcare or private group plans?
Treatments are not covered by Alberta Health Care at this time. Some healthcare spending accounts or extended benefit plans do cover colon hydrotherapy, but not all of them. Check your policy for coverage or ask your plan administrator.
Is there anything I need to do prior to having a treatment?
Yes. A pre-treatment protocol that initiates the cleansing process and enhances the results of the treatments is suggested. The protocol involves working with fiber and cleansing products for approximately 3-10 days prior to the first treatment. Also, a lighter diet consisting of live juices and broths, fruits and vegetables etc. is recommended one day prior to treatment. Following treatments, acidophilus supplementation is recommended to replenish the intestinal flora. Since the suggested protocol is customized according to your individual situation, your therapist will work with you to tailor the protocol plan accordingly. It is best to call our clinic at 780 482-7978 to discuss your health concerns and cleansing goals.